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i’m turning 65 what do i need to do for Medicare?

i’m turning 65 what do i need to do for Medicare? At age 65, you might expect different things: having grandchildren, maybe retiring from your career, or taking a trip you’ve dreamed of all your life. Sixty-five years can also be an important year for you, as this may be the first year you qualify for Medicare. Medicare is the government’s Medicare insurance program that provides hospital (Part A) and medical (Part B) insurance to persons over 65 years of age and some under 65 who are eligible for disability. Parts A and B of Medicare insurance are referred to as original health insurance.

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When should I sign up for Medicare?

You can be automatically enrolled in the Medicare insurance plan when you qualify. Discover the difference between automatic and manual medical insurance enrollment.

Signing up for Medicare automatically

You can be automatically enrolled in the Medicare insurance plan if

  • They already receive pension benefits from the Social Security Administration They
  • are already receiving retirements from the Railway Retirement Commission

If you are automatically enrolled in the Medicare insurance plan, your Medicare insurance card will be mailed to you three months before the age of 65. Your Medicare insurance benefits will begin on the first day of the month when you are 65 years of age. If your birthday is the first of the month, your benefits will start on the first day of the previous month.

You can be sure that your address is up to date for Medicare by accessing your My Social Security account online.

i'm turning 65 what do i need to do for Medicare?

Signing up for Medicare manually

If you do not receive Medicare insurance automatically, you can manually register for Medicare.

To manually register for Medicare, you can:

  • Visit Social Security You can apply for Medicare insurance only if you are not yet ready to receive pension benefits.
  • Call Social Security at 1(877)20255-0284, Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Medicare ABC users can call 1(877)20255-0284. Make your application in person at the local Social Security Office.
  • If you work for a railway, you can apply for Medicare insurance through the Railway Pension Board at 1(877)20255-0284, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m.
  • to 3:30 p.m. TTY users can call 1(877)20255-0284.

How to avoid the late-enrollment penalty when you sign up for Medicare

You may not receive pension benefits when you are 65 years of age because you are still working. In this case, you will need to register for Medicare when you retire and lose your employer’s health care coverage. When your employer’s coverage ends, you may have a special registration period to enroll in Part B of Medicare without receiving a late registration penalty.

Generally, the monthly Part B contribution may increase by 10% for each full 12-month period in which you may have benefited from Part B but did not enroll in Part B. Similarly, the monthly Part A premium may increase by 10% if you did not register at the time you were eligible for the first time. However, most people are eligible for Free Part A and are therefore also exempt from the late enrollment penalty under Medicare Part A of Medicare.

Do I have alternatives to Original Medicare when you turn 65?

When you are eligible for Medicare at age 65, you can apply for coverage in addition to the original Medicare insurance plan (Part A and Part B). This could include:

  • Insurance Plans Medicare Insurance Supplement (Medigap): Health Supplement insurance plans help pay pocket expenses, such as copay, co-insurance and deductibles. You have an open six-month Medicare Supplement registration period that begins in the month you reached age 65 and you are enrolled in the Medicare Plan Part B.
  • Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. The original Medicare plan generally does not cover most prescription drugs you take at home, which is why some Medicare recipients have chosen Part D coverage. You have an initial 7-month registration period for Part D that begins three months before the age of 65 , including the month in which you turned 65 years of age. You have reached 65 years of age and lasts three months after the month you reached 65 years of age.

You also may want a Medicare Advantage plan.

  • Medicare Advantage is another way to obtain the benefits of Parts A and B of a private insurance company. Medicare Advantage plans must cover everything covered by Parts A and B of Medicare, with the exception of palliative care, which is still covered by Part A. The initial Medicare Advantage registration period is the same as the initial enrollment period for Part D of Medicare, which is 7 months. Start three months before age 65, include the month of your 65th birthday and ends three months after your 65th birthday.

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We can help get up to $0 monthly premium Medicare plans


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