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Last Updated on January 17, 2023

Choosing Between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage


If you are eligible for Medicare, you can choose between standard Medicare (sometimes referred to as original Medicare and regular Medicare) and a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan to receive your benefits. Individuals must weigh their circumstances, including their health, need for flexibility, budget, and level of financial risk tolerance, while making this decision because it is personal. Understanding the many components of Medicare, how they interact, and the main distinctions between standard Medicare and Medicare Advantage are crucial before choosing how to receive Medicare. Before determining whether to sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan, it is also essential to research and obtains information.

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A. Understanding the Parts of Medicare

It is crucial to comprehend the various components of Medicare and how they function before analyzing the distinctions between regular Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Medicare is divided into four parts: Parts A, B, C, and D.

  1. Part A consists of medical treatment (hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, home health care, and hospice care)
  2. Part B includes health insurance (e.g. doctor visits, medical equipment, outpatient procedures, home health care, lab tests, x-rays, ambulance services, and some preventive services).
  3. Part C sometimes referred to as Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, are run by commercial insurers who have agreements with the Medicare system. Medicare Advantage (MA) is an alternative to traditional Medicare Parts A and B and is The plans combine Parts A, B, and frequently Part D into a single plan so that a private insurance firm subject to federal regulation provides the full range of benefits.
  4. Part D offers prescription medicine coverage for outpatients. Private insurance companies with contracts with the federal government manage and administer Part D. If a person wants Part D coverage and has conventional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan without prescription drug coverage, they must buy it separately. A “stand-alone” Prescription Drug Plan is what this is (PDP). A Medicare Advantage Prescription Medication (MA-PD) Plan is a Medicare Advantage plan that offers both medical and drug coverage.

B. Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance)

The copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles that standard Medicare leaves unfilled are covered by Medigap plans, commonly known as Medicare Supplement Insurance, which is a private health insurance policy. Traditional Medicare recipients frequently need to acquire both a Medigap plan and a separate Part D prescription coverage to complement their Medicare benefits. Medigap coverage cannot be sold to an MA enrollee unless they are transferring to regular Medicare, as Medigap policies do not operate with MA plans.

Some beneficiaries receive coverage via their employers or unions that cover expenses not covered by conventional Medicare; those who do not may need to purchase a Medigap plan. Other people might be qualified for Medicaid, which can also cover these expenses, so they wouldn’t necessarily need Medigap.

C. Key Differences between Traditional Medicare and a Medicare Advantage Plan

Understanding some of the fundamental distinctions between standard Medicare and Medicare Advantage is crucial. These distinctions include enrollment, service availability, expenses, benefits, and the appeals process.

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  1. Enrollment
  • Traditional Medicare

You immediately qualify for Medicare Part A and pay no monthly payment if you have worked for at least 40 quarters and paid into Social Security. To enroll, get in touch with Social Security online or locally. When you first sign up for Medicare, you are automatically enrolled in standard Medicare; however, if you would rather, you can select a private Medicare Advantage plan.

There is a monthly premium for Medicare Part B. You must choose whether to accept or reject this coverage, however, you should be aware that failing to enroll during your initial enrollment period may result in fines. Visit our Eligibility and Enrollment page for more information.

  • Medicare Advantage

Except for specified individuals enrolled in certain Special Needs Plans, a type of MA plan, you must specifically choose to receive your Medicare coverage through an MA plan; it does not happen automatically. To be qualified to join an MA plan, you must be covered by Medicare Parts A and B. You should be aware that if you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you are still a beneficiary of the Medicare program and retain all of your rights and protections under it, even though you have opted to receive your private plan’s Medicare benefit.

  1. Access to Services
  • Traditional Medicare

You can visit any doctor or hospital in the United States that accepts Medicare if you are enrolled in standard Medicare. Traditionally, there is no “network” for Medicare. For appointments with specialists, referrals are not necessary, nor is prior authorization needed to use the services.

  • Medicare Advantage

If you are registered in a Medicare Advantage plan, the plan may require you to use only a network of predetermined providers for it to pay for your medical care. It may be necessary for you to select a main care physician, seek recommendations for specialist visits, and obtain prior authorization for specific services. Outside-of-network care may be covered by some MA plans, but you’ll probably pay more. If you are outside the service region, most plans only cover emergency and urgent treatment; you must go back there for follow-up or routine care. Anytime during the year, network providers can join or leave a plan’s provider network, but typically, you have to wait until the following year’s open enrollment period to decide to quit the plan. The providers in the network can also be changed by the MA plan at any moment throughout the year.

  1. Costs 
  • Traditional Medicare

If you have worked and paid Social Security taxes for at least 40 calendar quarters, Part A of traditional Medicare is free (10 years). You have to pay a monthly payment for Part B coverage if you have traditional Medicare. You can also be required to pay copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. There is no cap on your out-of-pocket medical expenses with traditional Medicare. You must buy a Medigap plan and Part D prescription coverage separately if you have conventional Medicare (if you choose to purchase one).

  • Medicare Advantage

The cost of MA plans varies. You are required to pay the same monthly premium as people who are covered by standard Medicare Part B. Depending on the type of MA plan you select, there may be additional out-of-pocket expenses that include the following: whether the plan has a monthly premium; whether it has an annual deductible; how much you pay for each visit or service (copayments or coinsurance); the kind and frequency of medical services required; and whether network providers are used.

Cost-sharing for a service provided by MA plans may be higher or lower than that provided by standard Medicare. However, MA plans are not permitted to impose cost-sharing for skilled nursing care, renal dialysis, or chemotherapy administration services that is greater than the cost-sharing for those treatments under standard Medicare. To get covered benefits for the remainder of the year, all MA plans must have a maximum permissible out-of-pocket (MOOP) cap on the amount of cost-sharing they can impose for all Part A and Part B services. Every year, MA plans may alter their benefits, prices, and copays.

  1. Benefits 
  • Traditional Medicare

The standard benefits package for traditional Medicare includes coverage for medically essential healthcare services. Prescription drug coverage is not available through traditional Medicare. In conventional Medicare, you might need to purchase a Part D prescription medication coverage and a Medigap plan separately.

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  • Medicare Advantage 

Every benefit that regular Medicare provides must be covered by MA plans, and their benefits packages must at least be comparable to those of traditional Medicare. Some MA plans might pay for things like health club memberships, and dental, hearing, and vision care that aren’t covered by standard Medicare. Prescription drug coverage is a common feature of MA plans’ benefits packages.

  1. Appealing Denied Claims: 

You always have the option to challenge unfavorable decisions made regarding the coverage of your services, regardless of how you get your Medicare benefits. Nevertheless, there are different timetables and deadlines if you have traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan.


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