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Last Updated on January 23, 2023

What is Medicare? How it works, Who Qualifies, and How to Enroll


What is Medicare? How it works, Who Qualifies, and How to Enroll

What Is Medicare?

The American government’s health insurance program is called Medicare. People over the age of 65, those with impairments, and those with end-stage renal disease are all covered by the plan. 

Medicare consists of a number of programs, some of which have a cost to the insured, that cover specific parts of medical care. These programs give participants more cost and coverage options, but it also makes the sign-up process more difficult.


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Medicare is a federal program that provides financial assistance for medical treatment for persons 65 and older, those with disabilities, and those with end-stage renal illness.

The four parts of Medicare are Part A, Part B, Part C (commonly known as Medicare Advantage), and Part D for prescription medications (part C and D are provided only through private insurance companies that have contracts with the federal government).

For those who have paid Medicare premiums through payroll taxes for at least ten years, Part A premiums are free.

Other components of the Medicare program require patients to pay premiums.

How Medicare Works

The U.S. government provides funding for the national health insurance program known as Medicare. In order to offer coverage for seniors age 65 and older without health insurance, Congress amended the Social Security Act in 1965, resulting in the creation of the program.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which now oversees the program, has expanded coverage to include individuals under the age of 65 who have specific disabilities, end-stage renal disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Four main parts that each cover a different area of healthcare make up Medicare:

Medicare Part A is hospital insurance covering treatment at home, in skilled nursing facilities, and through hospice.

Doctor visits, outpatient care, home health care, and durable medical equipment are all covered by Medicare Part B. and preventative exams.

Medicare Part C sometimes referred to as Medicare Advantage, refers to Medicare-approved private insurance plans that typically offer Part A, Part B, and Part D benefits.

Prescription medications are covered by Medicare Part D.

Who Qualifies for Medicare?

Medicare coverage is generally available to anyone who has been a legal resident of the United States for at least five years and is 65 years of age or older, depending on a variety of factors. Anyone who gets Social Security benefits is automatically enrolled in Parts A and B. You must enroll in order to be covered under Part D because it is an optional benefit.

If a person is under 65 and receives Social Security Disability Insurance, they may be eligible (for SSDI). SSDI recipients must typically wait months after receiving their initial check before becoming eligible for Medicare, while the program exempts those with ALS and/or chronic renal failure from this rule. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) website offers enrollment options.

Medicare is immediately available to anyone with ALS, regardless of age.

If the insured person or their spouse paid payroll taxes into Medicare for 10 years or more, their Part A premiums, which cover hospital stays and other inpatient treatment, are free.

Other facets of the Medicare program require premium payments from you.

According to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, payroll taxes are the program’s main source of funding (FICA). Employees will be responsible for paying FICA payroll taxes beginning in 2022, which include a 6.2% Social Security tax on wages under $147,000 ($160,200 in 2023) and a 1.45% Medicare tax on all taxable income. Employers cover the same percentage of each employee’s benefits. Any annual income over $200,000 for single taxpayers and $250,000 for married couples filing jointly is subject to an extra 0.9% Medicare surtax.


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How Do I Enroll in Medicare?

You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers hospital expenses, and Medicare Part B, which covers doctor visits, as long as you are eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you turn 65. There is nothing you need to do to sign up for these programs.

You must, however, sign up for additional Medicare program components.

You must enroll on your own if you want Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Through the SSA website, you can register for this if you don’t currently get Social Security payments. Around the time of your 65th birthday, you should do this within a seven-month span. The three months prior to the month you turn 65, the month of your birthday, and the three months following your birthday month are all included in this timeframe. You might be penalized if you skip this window. 

You must enroll on your own if you want Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap). The six-month open enrollment period for this begins the month you turn 65 and sign up for Medicare Part B. If you enroll during this time, the private insurers that sell Medigap policies must give you coverage. There is no assurance that they will sell you a Medigap plan if this is not the case. 

There are other yearly Medicare open enrollment opportunities if you miss your original enrollment window or decide to switch programs later.

What Does Medicare Pay for?

There are four various kinds of Medicare programs that are available to people, as was already discussed. Parts A and B or the Medicare Part C plan provide the majority of the basic Medicare coverage. People may also choose to sign up for the Medicare Part D program.

Because they were implemented at the start of the program in 1965, Medicare Parts A and B are sometimes referred to as “Original Medicare.”

What Does Medicare Part A Cover?

Hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospices, and some home healthcare services are all covered by Medicare Part A. Long-term or custodial care is not, however, covered by this plan. 17 Anyone who receives Social Security income is automatically covered. On the SSA website, enrollment is possible for persons who do not receive benefits.

Part A Deductible and Copayment Amounts for Calendar Years 2022 and 2023
Inpatient hospital deductible$1,556$1,600
Daily copayment for 61st–90th Day$389$400
Daily copayment for lifetime reserve days$778$800
Skilled nursing facility copayment$194.50$200
Source: U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

What Does Medicare Part B Cover?

Medicare Part B often pays for the costs of outpatient care, including trips to the doctor. Preventive services, ambulance transportation, specific medical supplies, and mental health treatment are also covered by Part B. Some prescription medications are also covered by this plan.

Medicare Part B enrollees will pay an average monthly premium of $164.90 in 2023 as opposed to $170.10 in 2022. The annual deductible will drop from $233 in 2022 to $226 in 2023.

However, taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) beyond the yearly cap pay a higher premium. These were set at $97,000 for single taxpayers and $194,000 for married couples filing jointly in 2021 MAGI for 2023. Based on 2020 MAGI, those numbers increased from $91,000 and $182,000, respectively, in 2022.

What Is Medicare Part C?

Part C, often known as Medicare Advantage (Each Medicare Advantage Plan must provide all Part A and Part B services covered by Original Medicare, but can do so with different rules), is available to those who qualify for Medicare Parts A and B. Instead of through Medicare, consumers buy Medicare Advantage plans from private insurers. These programs must provide coverage at least comparable to that of Original Medicare (Parts A and B).

There are annual caps on out-of-pocket expenses in many Medicare Advantage plans. Many also offer extra services like copayments, deductibles, and even coverage for travel outside of the United States that Original Medicare users would otherwise have to obtain through supplemental insurance like a Medigap plan. Additionally, dental, eye, and hearing care may be included in some policies. Although some Medicare Advantage plans do offer hearing services as supplementary benefits, standard Medicare does not cover hearing aids.


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What Is Medicare Part D?

Through Medicare Part D, Medicare provides supplementary prescription medication coverage. Medicare Part A or Part B beneficiaries may sign up for Part D in order to get financial assistance for prescription medication expenditures that Original Medicare plans do not cover.

The History of the Medicare Program

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation establishing Medicare and Medicaid on July 30, 1965. Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B, as they are currently known, were both a part of Original Medicare (Medical Insurance).

Congress has made numerous modifications to Medicare in the interim. In general, the program has grown by opening up eligibility to more people and covering a wider range of medical issues.

For instance, in 1972, Medicare coverage was increased to include persons who are disabled, have an end-stage renal illness, and need dialysis or a kidney transplant, as well as those who are 65 or older and choose to enroll in Medicare. Since then, Congress has added new benefits including coverage for prescription medications.

The Medicare program had its largest modifications in 38 years as a result of the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003. The term “Medicare Advantage Plan” now refers to private health insurance programs that have been authorized by Medicare. These programs are also referred to as “MA Plans” or Part C. Part D, an optional prescription medication benefit that was added to Medicare as a result of the MMA, became effective in 2006.

The CARES Act of 2020

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2 trillion package of relief measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was signed into law by then-President Donald Trump. It increased Medicare coverage for COVID-19 treatment. Moreover, the CARES Act:

Medicare’s telehealth coverage has improved

authorized physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse specialists to certify home health services for Medicare

Medicare payments for hospital stays and durable medical equipment related to COVID-19 have increased.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) made it clear that Medicaid can be used in non-expansion states to pay for COVID-19-related services for people who are uninsured but would have been eligible for Medicaid if the state had decided to expand. This state option also makes other populations with limited Medicaid coverage eligible for coverage.

Medicare vs. Medicaid

Although both Medicaid and Medicare are government-sponsored health insurance plans, the eligibility criteria for each program vary. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that offers healthcare coverage to persons with low incomes, whereas Medicare is intended for those 65 and older and younger people with specific health conditions.

Services include doctor and nursing care, X-rays, hospitalization, home health care, and lab and X-ray services available to anybody with Medicaid coverage. Prescriptions, physical therapy, dental care, and transportation for medical purposes may all be covered to a greater extent in some states.

Who Is Eligible for Medicare?

Medicare is an option if you are 65 years old and qualified for Social Security. Medicare also becomes accessible after 24 months of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) receipt, regardless of age. People who are disabled, such as those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, well known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), or who have irreversible renal failure, are automatically qualified.


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Is Medicare Free?

According to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, Medicare Part A premiums for the majority of people are free because of prior payroll tax contributions (FICA). A person may also be eligible for free Medicare Part A based on the spouse’s employment history. Medicare Part A requires a premium for those who don’t qualify. Other parts of Medicare need a premium payment.

Is Medicare Insurance?

For those who qualify, Medicare provides similar coverage to that provided by health insurance. The fundamental Medicare program is free, although it offers less coverage than commercial health insurance. It is frequently possible to include dependents, such as a spouse and children, in your private health insurance plan. Participants in Medicare, on the other hand, must be eligible due to their age or disability.

What Is Not Covered by Medicare?

Some crucial healthcare services are not covered by Medicare. Importantly, it does not cover long-term care, sometimes referred to as custodial care. These custodial expenses are covered by Medicaid, a federal health program for low-income people, but not by Medicare.

Among the other frequent costs that Medicare does not cover are:

  • Eye exams and eyeglasses

  • Dentures

  • Most dental care

  • Medical care overseas

  • Cosmetic surgery

  • Massage therapy

How Much Is Taken From Your Social Security Check for Medicare?

There is no premium for Medicare Part A for those with a qualified job history. 34 Medicare Part B’s typical monthly premium for 2023 is $164.90, down from $170.10 in 2022. When receiving Social Security benefits, the premium is immediately withdrawn.

The Bottom Line

The American government’s health insurance program, Medicare, provides financial assistance for medical services. Ages 65 and over, younger persons who fulfill certain eligibility requirements, and people with particular disorders are all covered by the plan.

You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers hospital expenses, and Medicare Part B, which covers doctor visits, as long as you are eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you turn 65. Once you are eligible, you can sign up for additional Medicare benefits.


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What are good questions to ask about Medicare?

Use this advice to weigh your alternatives before applying for Medicare or after you have done so.

  • What fundamentals exist?

  • What alternatives do you have for coverage?

  • Do you need to sign up for Part D?

  • Do you qualify for any programs that lower the cost of Medicare?

  • What tools are available to guide you through Medicare?

How much money can you have in the bank if you are on Medicare?

The asset requirement to be eligible for a Medicare Savings Program rose on July 1st, 2022. All of your possessions, including bank accounts, cash, second houses, vehicles, and other financial assets, are affected by these changes. For a single person, the new cap is $130,000, and an extra $65,000 is allowed for each additional family member.

What are the 4 types of Medicare?

Medicare is divided into four parts: Parts A, B, C, and D.

  • Hospital and inpatient coverage is offered through Part A.

  • The outpatient/medical coverage is provided by Part B.

  • A different method of receiving your Medicare benefits is provided under Part C. (see below for more information).

  • Prescription drugs are covered by Part D.

What are 3 services Medicare does not provide?

Medicare excludes

For example, we don’t pay for ambulance services. nearly all dental services. hearing aids, glasses, and contact lenses.


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Can I have a savings account while on Medicare?

Yes, however, once you sign up for Medicare, you cannot make contributions to a health savings account (HSA). You are always welcome to use the funds you’ve previously accumulated tax-free in the account for legitimate medical costs.

Does Medicare look at your assets?

Typically, older people with low incomes have few assets. Countable assets are those that are taken into account when evaluating eligibility for Medicaid and Medicare Savings Programs. Examples include cash in checking or savings accounts, bonds, equities, or mutual funds.

Does everyone on Medicare pay the same premium?

The type of coverage you purchase, where you reside, and other factors all affect the monthly premiums. The sum is subject to annual revision. To keep your supplement insurance, you must continue to pay your Part B premium. reduces your Original Medicare Part A and Part B cost-sharing obligation.

What vaccines does Medicare not cover?

The shingles vaccine is among the most widely accessible vaccines that Part D plans are required to list on their formularies (herpes zoster). The only exclusions are the immunizations against the flu, pneumonia, hepatitis B, and COVID-19, which are covered by Part B. By January 2023, you should have free access to all vaccinations that Medicare covers.

What surgery is covered by Medicare?

Is surgery covered by Medicare? Yes. The Medicare Benefits Schedule includes a list of the majority of medically essential surgeries that Medicare covers (MBS). Since hospitals are where most procedures are performed, Medicare will pay 100% of all associated costs if the procedure is performed there.


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How many doctor visits does Medicare cover?

an annual check-up for health Once a year after the first 12 months of coverage, a wellness doctor visit is covered by Medicare. Your medical history will be reviewed, your prescription list will be updated, your height, weight, blood pressure, and other vital signs will be taken, and the doctor and you will talk about your current health state.

Does Medicare check bank accounts?

When you request financial help with Medicare expenditures, Medicare will often investigate your bank accounts as well as your other assets. However, depending on the state you reside in, qualifying criteria and verification procedures change. Asset restrictions for Medicare savings programs don’t exist in some states.

Why do I have to stop contributing to my HSA 6 months before Medicare?

This is due to the fact that when you enroll in Medicare Part A, you only receive coverage that extends back as far as your first month of eligibility and for a maximum of six months. You risk paying a tax penalty if you don’t stop making HSA contributions at least six months before signing up for Medicare.

What are the 3 qualifying factors for Medicare?

People 65 and older are typically eligible for Medicare. If you are disabled, have the end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure needing dialysis or a transplant), or have ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), you might be eligible for Medicare sooner.

Does Medicare pay for prescription drugs?

Everyone with Medicare has access to prescription drug coverage. The name of this insurance is “Part D.” Medicare prescription drug coverage can be obtained in one of two ways: 1. Become a member of a Medicare prescription drug plan (PDP).

Which Medicare Part has no premium?

Part A

For most people, Part A (Hospital Insurance) is free (because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes long enough while working – generally at least 10 years). You won’t be required to pay a Part A premium if you enroll in Medicare before age 65. This is referred to as “premium-free Part A” at times.


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Can you have too much money for Medicare?

Options and prices for Medicare plans might change annually. Medicare benefits are not subject to any income restrictions. Depending on your income, your rates can increase. You might be eligible for assistance with Medicare premium payments if your income is restricted.

Does Medicare check your income every year?

We get tax information from the IRS every fall in order to calculate the premiums for the upcoming year and to confirm your reports of any changes impacting your income-related monthly adjustment amounts.

How do you qualify to get $144 back from Medicare?

How can I be considered for the giveback?

  1. are signed up for both Part A and Part B.

  2. For your Part B premium, do not rely on government or other aid.

  3. reside in a plan’s zip code service region that is covered by this program.

  4. Become a member of an MA plan that offers a giveback benefit.

How much is taken out of Social Security for Medicare in 2022?

NOTE: Social Security and Medicare taxes are included in the 7.65% tax rate. On earnings up to the applicable taxable maximum amount, the Social Security share (OASDI) is 6.20 percent (see below). The Medicare (HI) share of all earnings is 1.45%.

How to reduce Medicare Part B premium?

Make an appointment at your neighborhood Social Security office, complete form SSA-44, then mail or deliver it there to request a reduction in your Medicare cost.

How much will Social Security increase in 2023?

In 2023, the amount of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payouts will rise by 8.7%. It is the yearly cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that the law mandates. Benefits for Social Security recipients starting in January 2023 will see an increase.


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Is Medicare free for seniors?

If they have worked and paid Medicare taxes for a sufficient amount of time, most people 65 and older are eligible for free Medicare Part A (hospital insurance). By paying a monthly fee, you can enroll in Medicare Part B (medical insurance).

What’s new for Medicare in 2023?

Medicare Part B changes

The Part B rate and deductible for Medicare enrollees will decrease in 2023. Medicare Part B’s monthly cost will fall by $5.20 from $170.10 in 2022 to $164.90 in 2023. In 2023, there will be a reduction in the Medicare Part B deductible.

What is the Medicare Part B deductible for 2023?

The entire Part B deductible for 2023 is $226. Part B coverage is not subject to any benefit periods.

How much is taken out of your Social Security check for Medicare?

Finding out how much will be deducted from your Social Security check is typically pretty simple. The procedure is automated if you have Original Medicare and get retirement benefits. Your monthly Part B premium ($164.90 or more in 2023) is deducted.

How long does it take for Medicare to kick in after applying?

Your Part A coverage begins six months after enrollment or when you apply for Social Security benefits (or the Railroad Retirement Board). The beginning of coverage cannot occur before the month you turned 65. My Health Savings Account exists (HSA).

How many months before Should I apply for Medicare?

In general, you can enroll in Part A and Part B beginning three months before turning 65 and ending three months after that month. Stop your Marketplace coverage if you decide to enroll in Medicare so that it ends when your Medicare coverage begins. Check out the Medicare switch process.


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Is ambulance covered by Medicare?

Medicare does not provide any financial assistance with the callout or utilization of an ambulance. Private health funds are in charge of managing ambulance coverage in NSW. However, depending on the extent of your coverage, if you have private health insurance, your policy could not pay for the cost of an ambulance.

Can I get glasses on Medicare?

In general, routine contact lenses or eyeglasses are not covered by Original Medicare. However, Medicare Part B helps cover corrective lenses, such as one pair of glasses or one set of contact lenses, prescribed by an ophthalmologist, following cataract surgery that implants an intraocular lens.

Can you claim a private hospital stay on Medicare?

Medicare does not pay for private patient hospital expenses, ambulance services, or other outpatient services including dental, physiotherapy, eye and hearing exams, or glasses and contact lenses. Numerous of these things are covered by personal health insurance.

Is Shingrix free for seniors?

Are elders eligible for a free shingles vaccine? As on January 1, 2023, Medicare will pay the full price of Shingrix.

How often should you get pneumonia shot after age 65?

At 65 years of age or older, the CDC advises receiving 1 dosage of PPSV23**. One year after receiving PCV13, provide one dose of PPSV23. They’ve received all of their pneumococcal immunizations. The CDC advises receiving one dosage of PPSV23** before the age of 65 and another dose when they reach that age.

What is the best Medicare plan that covers everything?

The finest overall plan that offers the most protection for seniors and Medicare subscribers is Medicare Supplement Plan G. Except for the Medicare Part B deductible, which is only $226 for 2023, practically everything will be covered by Plan G.


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What are 3 services Medicare does not provide?

Medicare excludes

For example, we don’t pay for ambulance services. nearly all dental services. hearing aids, glasses, and contact lenses.

Is there a Medicare supplement that covers everything?

The most comprehensive Medigap option is Medicare Supplement Plan F, which offers beneficiaries full coverage of any remaining Original Medicare-covered medical costs.

Does Medicare cover cardiologist visits?

Yes, as long as the physician offers medically acceptable and essential treatments, Medicare will pay for a cardiologist appointment. Medicare Part B covers services provided during a cardiology appointment, just like it does for other outpatient visits (medical insurance).

Is surgery cheaper with Medicare?

Outpatient surgery is covered by Medicare Part B. Typically, you pay 20% of the surgery’s Medicare-approved cost in addition to 20% of your doctor’s fees. You are responsible for covering any costs for goods or services that Medicare does not cover up to the Part B deductible ($226 in 2023).

How do I know if Medicare covers a procedure?

Where can I find out more about Medicare’s coverage details? Explain your need for the goods or services to your doctor or another healthcare professional, and ask if they believe Medicare will pay it. Check your “Medicare & You” guidebook or go to to see if your test, item, or service is covered.


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Is everything free with Medicare?

Medicare is a federal insurance program for seniors and persons with specific medical problems. The program is not entirely free but tries to assist seniors in paying for healthcare expenses. The costs associated with each component of Medicare vary and may include coinsurance, deductibles, and monthly fees.

Why do so many doctors not take Medicare?

Can physicians reject Medicare? Yes is the short response. Many doctors are declining to accept Medicare’s payment for services because of the government program’s low reimbursement rates, strict rules, and onerous administrative processes. Most of the time, Medicare only gives doctors 80% of what commercial health insurance does.

Does regular Medicare have a maximum out-of-pocket?

Original Medicare has no cap on out-of-pocket expenses (Part A and Part B). The burden of out-of-pocket expenses for original Medicare might be lessened with the aid of Medicare supplement insurance, sometimes known as Medigap policies. Out-of-pocket maximums for Medicare Advantage plans differ depending on the firm offering the plan.

Does money in the bank affect Medicare?

You will likely receive Medicare Part A for free if you are eligible for Medicare. No matter how much money you have coming into your bank account each month, this still holds true. However, Part A only pays for a small fraction of your medical expenses, such as inpatient hospital care or skilled nursing facility care.

Can I have a savings account while on Medicare?

Yes, however, once you sign up for Medicare, you cannot make contributions to a health savings account (HSA). You are always welcome to use the funds you’ve previously accumulated tax-free in the account for legitimate medical costs.


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What assets are exempt from Medicare?

Prepaid burial and funeral costs, a car, term life insurance, life insurance policies with a combined cash value that is no more than $1,500, home furnishings/appliances, and personal things like clothing and engagement/wedding rings are also excluded assets.

What is the Social Security 5-year rule?

In five of the previous ten years, you must have worked and paid Social Security taxes. Your Social Security payment may be diminished if you get a pension from a position where you did not pay Social Security taxes, such as a civil service or teacher’s pension.

What happens to my HSA account when I start Medicare?

You are no longer eligible for HSA contributions once you sign up for Medicare. You are still able to make contributions for the months you were qualified for before signing up for Medicare. For instance, if you sign up for Medicare right away after turning 65 on May 6 and your birthday is May 6, your coverage will begin on May 1.

How much is Medicare per month?

Depending on how long you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes, the premium in 2023 will either be $278 or $506 per month. To purchase Part A, you must also enroll in Part B. You may incur penalties if you choose not to purchase Part A when you first become eligible for Medicare, which is typically at age 65.


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What triggers higher Medicare premiums?

If Your Income Is Higher

You will have to pay a greater premium for Medicare Part B and prescription medication coverage if your income is higher. “Income-related monthly adjustment amount” is the name we give to the extra sum. This is how it goes: Your doctor’s services and outpatient care are partially covered by Part B.

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