Here are some Medicare facts that seniors often are not aware when they enroll on Medicare:
1. Medicare is not cost free
Most Medicare beneficiaries are under the belief that once enrolled in Medicare they do not have to pay. However, even though Part A covers hospital costs and Part B Medical insurance, the current cost for Part B is $144.60 and if a person needs coverage for prescription drugs a person has to enroll on Part D which has an additional premium. In addition to the premiums, you would have to pay additional costs such as deductibles, copays or even co insurance.
2. Medicare has limited coverage
Most Medicare beneficiaries are under the belief that once enrolled in Medicare they do not have to pay. However, even though Part A covers hospital costs and Part B Medical insurance, the current cost for Part B is $144.60 and if a person needs coverage for prescription drugs a person has to enroll on Part D which has an additional premium. In addition to the premiums, you would have to pay additional costs such as deductibles, copays or even co insurance.
3. Late Enrollments make Medicare more expensive
In these cases, healthcare can become a big price burden that can significantly affect into your income and Social Security benefits. However, these costs can easily be avoided by enrolling on time and acquiring a Medicare Advantage plan. In some cases, people with a low income can qualify for extra help which would cover premiums
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